Monday, May 22, 2006

Exciting News

Dear Faith Partners,

This week I am in Portland for the first part of the week and then in Indiana the remaining part of the week. I'm in Portland because I love God's Church and I am striving to make a difference by helping Churches become healthy disciple-making movements. I'm in Portland because later today I will meet with four Pastors for the purpose of personal support, personal development, and helping them lead healthy reproducing disciple-making Churches. Later this week I will be meeting with Faith Partners and doing some fundraising efforts in Indiana. Please pray.

Last week was very fruitful. The Bush family is planning on moving to north Kansas City in or around June. Here is a family that is willing to move their family from Kentucky to begin a disciple-making movement where Jesus transforms lives. They sold their house and are moving totally by faith that God will meet their financial needs. We have another guy who is also moving by faith to Kansas City later this summer -He is serving a Church so I will withhold his name until everyone is notified. This leader is moving by faith and will be bi-vocational. We are working with others who are praying about a relationship with us. Either way, we will connect with anyone who shares a passion to reach and disciple lost people, in or our of the Church as we know it today.

Another development: Last week I was in Kansas City and I met with Chris Pinion, pastor in K.C. with the Missouri Baptists. We found a common vision and heart passion to see lives transformed and disciple-making movements begun. He and I agreed to take responsibility for the 2 million people in Kansas City -taking responsibility for giving all 2 million people an opportunity to receive or reject Jesus Christ. This means we need a huge miracle from God and also we need to network spiritual leaders who care about the lost to join hands and hearts with us across denominational lines to reach the city for Christ. Pastor Chris is highly connected to leaders in the right places both in Kansas City and St. Louis. One of the vehicles we will use to bring leaders together will be through Vision USA. Vision USA is an organization the Missionary Church has partnered with, an organization that raises millions of dollars for Church Planting as well as uniting leaders around the cause of Church Planting. We have informally invited Vision USA to Kansas City and St. Louis and plan to have our kick off meetings in the fall in both cities as soon as we can get the VisionUSA team scheduled. We envision hundreds of leaders (business leaders and Pastors) working together to take responsibility for reaching the lost in these cities.

Can you believe it. By the end of the summer we pray to have three team/leaders in place in Kansas City and we will have leadership patners in place across denominational lines who care about creating a disciple-making movement for Christ in both Kansas City and St. Louis. I am in awe at how God is working His miracle power. We said early on that if we are to see lives transformed and Churches planted, it would take all of God, and if God doesn't show up it will not happen. Guess what? God is showing up and He is honoring all the faith of your prayers and blessing all the dollars you give toward this ministry.

Please keep praying for our protection, wisdom and fundraising and recruiting efforts. Please pray for the Lord of the Harvest to send forth leaders and resources to these harvest fields.

Your Missionaries to Kansas City & St. Louis,

Bob & Michelle Carder (click on the link and read on)

Bob Carder
Mission District Leader
Missionary Church, Inc.


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