Monday, August 14, 2006

New Muslim friends...

Here you go, a picture of our Muslim friends we met at the park last Saturday as the Church reached out to them. Funny thing...they reached back to us. The Muslim ladies and children were at the beach, our ladies decided to let the men be with the men in this picture except for Tonya & Amy our two roses among the thorns.

The guy on my left - I have my arm over his shoulder is a Muslim spiritual leader visiting with this group from Chicago.

As you can see Pastor Terry and his group are off to a really great start. Earlier there were more men, women and children all over the place. But everyone was done eating. In this picture I wish you could see the smiles on all of our faces. As you view this picture -please pray for Pastor Terry & Suzette Goodwin & family, their group of Christ followers, and of course please pray for Muslim friends and for more contact with them in the future.

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