Monday, November 13, 2006

How would the Mega-Church be, IF?

How would the Mega Church, IF?

What would the Mega Church look like, IF?

What would the Mega-Church (or any church) be like if no one brought anyone to church as the first step to Christ?

How would the Mega-Church (or any church) function if every Christ follower brought new believers (they discipled) to Jesus and with Jesus, and then to church as a second step?

How would we look if all believers made the Great Commission a supreme act of obedience?

What would the mega church (or any other church) look like if Christ followers assembled as the family of God -in communion with God as the main reason for gathering?

When did we ever buy into the lie of Satan that we could reach our world through events and programs better than one on one?

When and how did we ever buy into the lie of Satan that we should give our tithes and offerings so that we could fund the church mission -so that the church corporately could be the main way of making disciples out of the not-yet reached? (Don't get riled up-some do both/and).

What makes us think we are off the hook and not responsible to personally disciple people to Jesus and with Him to disciple others to Him and with Him and on and on?


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