Saturday, April 14, 2007

Programmed Ministry is..... Can I say it here?

When the sum total of ministry for you (as a Christ follower) is program driven or dictated, guilt motivated, limited and decided by the church leadership, you remind me of the robot (Tobor) in "Lost in Space!" You young ones won't remember this fine programmed robot, man's (or in this case, boys) best friend with all the answers unless someone pulled his plug.

Like Tobor the robot we may be functioning mechanically, but any tin can can do that.

Why do you think I believe that programs in the church are/could be killing us?

Can't wait for you to tell me how the Holy Spirit leads in this one. Is it possible that we might be limiting the work of the Holy Spirit as we keep our Christ followers in our ministry box? How about thew damage we are doing to the whole priesthood of all believers as taught in Scriptures?

Why do you think I believe "man" programmed ministry is hurting or killing the Church?

Remember: Programs can and often do build the church while often squelching the Church. For the life of me I cannot figure out why all those years in pastoral ministry I spend so much time deciding (with others) what ministries or programs we were going to have. What was I thinking? Seems arrogant of me to assume that I know what programmed ministry is best for you when I didn't make, gift or wire you for ministry. I know you can program a robot to serve your program, but to do it to God's children seems to me gross negligence in the body of Christ. To do so, creates zombies going through the motions, serving where they are told (in many cases) and doing what they are told and expected to be where they are told to be (and when).

"c"hurch is a location or ministry empire.
"C"hurch is the Body of Christ flowing in and out of the Spirit of God.

Why is "man" programmed ministry harmful to the kingdom or am I delirious? I know programs can serve the good of the organization. I'm just wondering what they do to squelch the work of the Holy Spirit working freely through us as we allow His to work.


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