Thursday, April 19, 2007

We could use some help here.

You almost have to read, I'm stirring the pot again, (THE COMMENTS SECTION) TO GET INTO THIS.

Dave DeVries suggests that we have edificialism in the church (a preoccupation with property and buildings). Thanks Dave!

So we have shifted our definition of church to a building, "let's go to church." We have failed to understand that the church is not the location or the building because WE ARE THE CHURCH!

So around the world we have a church preocupation of buildings/our ministries/our mission at the place called the church and we do it well for ourselves.

How can we help others who are trying to break people out of this inward take care of me concept and begin to help them move out instead of in as the main thing. What would you do given the chance to move an inward/self centered church into becoming a giant outward movement as the Church in the world?

We have the edifice complex infection. Where are the antibiotics? What of the therapy? Can we ever loosen the stiffened ineffective corps?


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