Tuesday, May 22, 2007

A disciples making disciples way of thinking.


*Program-based churches emphasize and use structures, programs, events, and meetings to minister to and attract people. Program-based church planting and growth strategies tend to focus on how me meet and how we attract people to meetings.

*Our Keystone training by Richard Greene is not concerned with how we meet; we are concerned with how we live! It intentionally focuses on the development of a Great Commission lifestyle through the cultivation of loving relationships, the skillful use of spiritual gifts, and the daily application of God's Word through Spirit-led obedience.

This training is not a strategy, method or style, but a philosophy or way of thinking.

1. It is Biblically rooted in the missional supremacy of the Great Commission.
2. It places a higher priority on the things of the Spirit than the things of the flesh.
3. It acknowledges the potential of apostolic ministry and leadership.
4. It emphasizes the transformational power of the Word of God.
5. It is goal oriented rather than process oriented.

Keys to success:
1. MOTIVATION - A passionate commitment to the missional supremacy of the Great Commission.
2. REPRODUCIBILITY - an intentional emphasis on facilitating reproduction and multiplication at every level, with all participants responsible to multiply disciples and they share this training and principles with others.
3. SKILLS - practical training in ministry skills.
4. ACCOUNTABILITY - coaching through vision and goals.
5. STRATEGIC PLANNING - placing ministry before structures.

What do you think will happen when believers change their thinking and begin doing this?


At May 24, 2007 9:52 AM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

The World will be changed through ordinary people empowered by the Holy Spirit.

We have just enough of God to be comfortable and not enough of Him to become dangerous.


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