Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Answer the next post.....titled, "Before I Address It"

I dare to dare you. We need everyone's help on this matter. What is discipleship to you? How do we disciple people? What will we teach them and how?

You know more than you think and it is easier than you think.

I'm waiting for your responses..


At April 19, 2006 10:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe some decafe would be a good idea...:)

First, discipleship (and I am about to show my Wesleyan roots here) does not begin after salvation. Discipleship begins the moment we make a decision to follow the Spirits leading and seek to share the love of God with another. As we do this we prayerfully ask God to work in the life of the one He has placed in our sphere of influence. This prevenient grace (Wesley) is guiding the unbeliever even when they are unaware of it and then allows God to save while discipleship begins and continues throughout life.

Second, Evangelism=Lifestyle+Relationship
This is as close to a program as I will dare to tred. We (Believer and Lover of God through the way of Jesus) live in such a radically different way than the world lives that our relationships with those who are not followers of God are a constant and frequent source of evangelism. There is no preplanned outcome because we recognize God is in charge of the outcomes and that we are merely doing evangelism as an extension of the Holy and Exchanged life we are called to live and nurture. I don't introduce Christ, Christ is already present and working. I am called to merely live a life that is consistant with what I proclaim.

Discipleship is the continuation of the relationship and lifestyle that we live among others. We teach by doing, we answer questions, we love deeply, we sacrifice for others and in exchange all we seek is to have the one we impact do the same for others that God places in their sphere of influence.

The problem for many is that this requires us to live what we proclaim and it requires us to stop segregating ourselves in four walls of the church. At times it costs us time, finances and talent but I counsel others who are struggling with this call of God to remember what our salvation cost the Savior.

Challenge excepted and in the immortal words of the great thinker Mr. T....."I Got A Lot of More"....Peace

At April 19, 2006 1:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob, I commented on your first Tuesday, April 18 post. Let's do dinner.

At April 19, 2006 1:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way, that was me, Adam D.

At April 19, 2006 9:20 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

Jim, You do have gutz. That's why I like you...at least that's one reason.

I need your help in making disicples who make disciples the Spirit way.

I love you desire to steer clear of programs...Discipleship can never be a program.

Disicpleship never truly ends -does it?

Jim, you sound more like a true Missionary every time you write. We need you on board to create a disciple-making movement. You get to keep doing what you are doing and we get to benefit from your excellent leadership and the end result is more disciples making disciples.

I Love your heart and focus,


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