Saturday, April 22, 2006


God continues to enlarge my territory and stretch my vision. As I look at the cities of Kansas City and St. Louis I have nearly 5 million people many of whom are lost with my area of responsibility. Recently at a leadership training event with Bob Ransom and Jeff Getz with U.S. Ministries, Missionary Church, Inc., I was greatly challenged. What will I step up to the plate and call my responsibility? How many lost people will I be responsible for reaching?

I have gone on record and want to go on record with you, I am claiming the 5 Million people in Kansas City and St. Louis as my responsibility over the next few years. Reaching this population will be my responsibility.

HOW CAN I REACH THIS MANY FOR CHRIST? Well, that's the real question. I will use every believer in every denomination or group that cares about reaching lost people. I will make disciples who make disciples who make disciples in and outside of the Missionary Church. We will help the Missionary Church make disciples while also helping every other person and group or denomination succeed at making disciples that give birth to churches. We will network with everyone in these cities who share the same passion of making disciples who make disciples who make disciples.

We are building the kingdom and we are focussing on reaching whatever of the five million who have not yet had the opportunity to accept or reject Jesus. We are not "just" building the Missionary Church. We will in the course of making disciples expand our own movement --BUT it is the Kingdom of God that is more imprtant to me, to my U.S. Ministries Director, Bob Ransom, and even the President of the Missionary Church, Dr. Bill Hossler.

WE CARE MORE ABOUT REACHING LOST PEOPLE -THAN BUILDING OUR OWN CHURCH. WE WILL WORK AND NETWORK WITH EVERY PERSON WHO SHARES THE SAME VALUE OF PUTTING GOD'S KINGDOM FIRST. There you have it, we will even make disciples for other groups and churches. We want to reach the Five Million and we will only succeed as we help each other partner with God.

I'm taking responsibility for the nearly five million within my reach. What about you? What about the people in your city? Who will take responsibility for them? Why not you?


At April 22, 2006 6:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are 11 million in the I-5 corridor in Washington and Oregon: I accept the challenge to believe God for all of them. Don

At April 22, 2006 9:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Yakima Valley (WA) also has many who do not know Christ. I want them to know Christ and I am committed to reaching them...any way I can! Thanks for the encouraging words my brother.

At April 23, 2006 12:31 AM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

You guys encourage me tonight to keep beating this drum of reaching and claiming territories for Christ. Thanks!

At April 23, 2006 6:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You all amaze me. I will take responsibility for each person God brings to me, one person at a time. Building relationships, person by person as we say at MMA. Maybe it will be 10s maybe it will be 100s maybe more...but I am in awe of you, Don, James, Bob.

And I renew my commitment to daily prayer on behalf of Bob and the ministry he has.

At April 26, 2006 1:36 AM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

Mike, There are close to a million people surrounding Elkhart - why not claim them as your responsibility? You cannot do it alone but with others in your community network it is feasible.


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