Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Programs or Passion>

Which is it in your Church, Programs or Passion?

In most Churches in America the answer is sadly- Programs.

If we are to launch a disciple-making Church multiplication movement in America we will need to facilitate a major reformation in the Church that reprioritizes around the theological and practical supremeacy of the Great Commission.

The Supremacy of the Great Commission demands that we give it our attention, obedience, and resolve.

It is not another program, method, strategy, formula or idea to ad to our already programmed filled ministries. It is (Should Be) your ministry and mine!

It is the supreme, defining, authoritative and specific mission to which we have been called by the Lord Jesus Christ.

Therefore, we must know it, understand it, own it, and do it. Anything less is to dishonor the One who gave it.

The Great Commission is one verb and three particibles. "Making Disciples" is the verb and it tells us what to do. Three particles are "Go", "Baptize", and "Teach" tell us how to do it. So we make disciples by Going or Bringing People To Jesus, and Baptizing - By bringing people into the Church and by teaching or bringing them into Mmaturity by discipling them.

Is your ministry Program or Passion oriented? Programs almost always result in status quo. But engaging the Supremacy of the Holy Spirit is where Passion grows.

Programs or Passion, which is it in your life and your Church? Before you answer think about those whose lives are being transformed by your witness and or your Church ministry.

Love you,


At May 25, 2006 3:28 PM, Blogger Rev. Rick Carder '87 / ' 03 said...

Heres my take of the differences --

Pursuit of the heart
Pioneer of the spirit
Potential only through the means of God!

Program is:
Committee made
Congregation "per-swayed"
Creation by human means and management!

I think that passion in the things of God is way more fun! Programs tend to drain our energy...I know, I've been there!

At May 30, 2006 4:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a question. I heard some comments today. I am not sure about what I heard. Here it goes. A pastor of an other church came to my church to visit. He sponsered a desert feast. He served ice creme with some brownies and lots of whip creme. He then serve a desert wine to top it all off. He then said, the next day, this church doens't want anything to do with him because he had wine. This pastor says, that is oral laws not God's laws. Everything in moderation. Those oral laws have made Christian people turn away from bringing the lost to Christ. What do you think? Have we turned away from God's law to oral(man's) law? Is that why the old way if failing? I hope this makes sense, as I am wondering about these things. Andrea

At May 31, 2006 1:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think RIGHT NOW, we're more focused on programs. But I hope we can turn that corner in the coming year. I hope our passion becomes God's passion -- saving the lost.

At June 10, 2006 12:25 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

Programs become our purpose and mission at the expense of reaching the lost and discipling them. We become servants of the programs at the expense of the Great Commission.

Our people don't need another program, it's time to start doing what we've already been taught.

Keep fighting for the Supremacy of the Great Commission.


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