Thursday, November 16, 2006

WOW! WOW! WOW! And you think I'm bold...

Leading the Disciple-making movement in our first plant here in St. Louis are Terry & Suzette Goodwin. I do believe in the Supremacy of the Great Commission and most neglected command in the church of America. Check out his blogsite as He shares what happens when others believe in the Supremacy of the Great Commission.

In response to my post: Fooey on it (two articles down)-Terry made these comments.

I love your boldness - NO COMPROMISE - The line must be drawn here. While you take the pot shots Bob, my whole group is embracing this concept and lives are being radically changed.

People are prayerfully seeking God led encounters with the lost on a daily basis. God is a consuming fire and this Great Commission teaching fans the flames.

While the various leaders from around the country will now post lengthy debates with you on this subject, I will continue to march with the orders Christ gave me. Ivory Towers make poor evangelists.

Before anyone posts a response they should look around them and see the lack of passion for the lost that permeates American Christians. Is it any wonder why there is no passion for the lost? The Great Commission is hung on lighted signs and included in church mission statements but then we consume all of our time, talent and treasure serving the function of the church event in the name of the Great Commission.

According to most research I have ever seen, somewhere around 95% of all Christians in America have never led someone to the Lord! Shocking? Not for me. You reap what you sow. We sow the priorities of worship events and community and we get Christians that go to worship events and attend small groups calling it community. We tell people that serving as an usher or parking lot attendant fulfills their service to God. HOGWASH!

****Attention All Christians****

Seeking and saving the lost is a Holy Spirit led mission. Once a person embraces the mission the Holy Spirit works through them to reach the lost. Do you want to feel the presence of God working through your life? Embrace the Great Commission. Surrender your life to it. Then submit yourself to the Holy Spirit's leading each day. It will change your life. I promise you that everything else a Christian should be and do will flow naturally as a result.


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