Sunday, January 07, 2007

What is it that????

What is it in your opinion that would bring our American Church back in line with the mission, so as to become culturally connecting and relevant and reaching?

Are you doing it? What is it?

Or, what is it that we Christ followers should engage to turn the ship or derail the train that is headed directly in the way of Europe with similiar or worse results?

If there is anything that can get the American church back on mission, what do you think that is?

If you really think you know then please be courageous enough to post your comments? Will you do that? Be anonymous if it will help you po without intimidatation or fear.


At January 08, 2007 11:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there an "answer" to this one? Probably a lot of answers - pick and choose what works for you!

I like to think smaller sometimes: CHANGING THE WORLD (neighborhood; community; church) ONE HEART AT A TIME. Oh, but then, that's the "disicpleship" thing we always talk about!

One consideration: As goes the MINISTER/LEADER, so goes the CHURCH!?

To "turn the church around" we might need to provide a thoroughly biblical, conservative, holiness approach to raising up/training church leaders/ministers.


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