Monday, February 19, 2007

Are you serving in your passion?

It seems these days that we have the market on ministry. A few leaders in the church decide what ministries we will validate and then we staff for the those ministries.

Are you free to serve in your area of passion? We all know we are supposed to reach and disciple the lost! Did you know that God has gifted you to reach people within your gifts, ambitions, abilities, personality bent and experiences? You have a passion. Are you allowing God to use your passion to reaching and disciple the lost?

In the context of the church many Christ followers are sadly limited to service/ministry in the predetermined ministries that are sanctioned by your church and often in the church? Are you or aren't you serving in your God ordained passion? Is it God led or man predetermined/limited?

Something to think about!


At February 21, 2007 6:27 AM, Blogger Dr. Terry M. Goodwin said...

Saddened by the number of responses here.

At February 21, 2007 11:45 AM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

Serving in our areas of passion without control and limitations is an almost unheard of concept.

You know, we have our designated church ministries and then we push for workers to fill them and we give spiritual gifts inventories and then have the believer pick a ministry that best fits the spiritual gifts of the individual.

Why in the world would we risk losing church workers in the church so they serve in their areas of passion in the world?

Do you sense sarcasm? I hope you sense allot of it embedded in the truth.


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