Wednesday, May 23, 2007

(Missional) mDNA OR (Holy Spirit) hsDNA

Now I have another insight I want to share with you. Over lunch I was deeply involved in discussion with my very good friend Terry when the lights came on.

As of today, I'm no longer trying to create a movement with (missional)mDNA. To do so only replicates working in a system that in inherently flawed by creating a new focus, model or style and through that "new something" you try making the mission of Jesus somehow the important thing. Having a (missional) mDNA does not take us far enough/anywhere. Actually most people in church leadership already think they have a mDNA with all their buildings and programs of attraction. Remember, "What you draw them with, you draw them to." Also, mDNA focuses way to much on what man can do.

When I refused a church pastorate a few years ago I did so because I longed to be part of a movement that required all of God and all of God. So Michelle and I along with Sydney dog we stepped out in faith and headed to St. Louis. Why? We did so because we longed to be a part of something that required God and only God. I longed to be part of something I could not do in my own strength and abilities. Growing a church is the easy part, growing Holy Spirit filled Christ followers is the hard part. So I longed to be part of a movement that would take all of God to be successful. Even today, the birthing of a disciple making church multiplying movement can never happen without God. I cannot do this without God and His Holy Spirit. Our movement is being birthed by God and we are witnessing it.

To start with (Missional) mDNA is to start backwards. On the other hand, if every Christ follower could receive (Holy Spirit) hsDNA or a Holy Spirit filled DNA we would naturally do His mission. We would be willing to pay the price and give it all up for Him. Why else is the Greatest Commission or Co-Mission the most neglected mandate in the church? It is because believers new and old alike need HIS (Holy Spirit) hsDNA and only then can we ever hope to make disciples who make disciples and change and redeem the world.

I want to live my life with a cause worth dying for. Young emerging leaders are longing for a cause that is so large and God sized, to give their lives too and for. Living in (Holy Spirit) hsDNA gives me that cause and purpose to live and die for. It's starts in my heart and in the hearts of others. I grew weary of living in the well oiled man made system for doing church,. There has to be more I thought! And there is! I found the key!

We do not need another missional transformation/reformation, we need a Holy Spirit transformation. We must discover that a Holy Spirit filled hsDNA is the only answer to the apathy and lack of true mission in the church. Let's focus on the heart of the matter and the hand of the matter will follow.

When Jesus gave us His supreme Great Commission He clearly stated that the Holy Spirit would be with us. Now do you see why we need a Holy Spirit Filled hsDNA? The answer was there all the time. How did we miss it?


At May 23, 2007 5:28 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Awesome post Bob!!!! I'm so happy to read this on your blog. In reading so many of your posts I've loved what you had to say, but felt like something wasn't quite right.

Now I believe you've naile it!!!

Love ya brother!

At May 24, 2007 6:21 AM, Blogger Dr. Terry M. Goodwin said...

Without the Holy Spirit we are not Christian.

We cannot continue to simply test people for a gift and then plug them into a pre-designed program and claim we are using our gifts. We must help people walk in the spirit and discover their gifting. Then we can empower them to serve God in their passions through their gifting not in the church programs and their needs.

I have had several “gifts” tests in my life and then when I was told what gifts I had (often wrong interpretations) I was given a list of where I could use them. That box must be destroyed, it is way too small. Our desire to have a “drive through” Mcfaith leads us to value expediency over truth. I may not know where you will use gifts or even how but as a leader I must walk with you through the process and empower you when God confirms them to you. It is not always easy to look at a friend that has just discovered their gifting and tell them I don’t know where that fits right now. It is exciting to agree by faith to walk with them as they discover God’s will for their life.

I think this one area is the leading cause of church hopping and shopping in America today. We cater to the non-converted hoping for conversions and don’t focus on transformation.

At May 24, 2007 6:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terry, A hearty amen, brother!

At May 24, 2007 8:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob, I hear what you are saying, but how do we make the church of today come around to this way of thinking? Just as a building, programs,and "well oiled man made system for doing church" do not make disciple, neither do a living room, bible study, and non-programs. I too long for something different. I do not know how or what or when or where, but I would like to try in the church of today. I have not given up on the church of today. I guess I am a emerging, traditional, contemporary. I think you made me this way. A rebel! John

At May 24, 2007 9:11 AM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

Anon...Let it begin with you. We are not building the church we are building the Church, the Body, the Bride!

Pastoring the way we are expected and leading the church the way we are expected always messes up people. Sorry you got caught in the crossfire.

You cannot change the past but you can surely change the present and future. The only way to change your course is to change your course.

You are not a rebel, John. You can become one though. Cut the crap (can I say that?) on emerging, traditional and contemporary and any other label, they only mislead. Begin with a come to Jesus - Holy Spirit - New Testament like meeting with God that allows God to take you wherever He wants to lead you. Then allow His power to come over you, in you and around you. It's a baptism in the Spirit. Wait for the Holy Spirit and when He shows up, you and everyone else around you will know He is here. Holy Spirit power will flow through you and into/onto others who need Him.Doesn't that sound refreshing?

As long as you are building the man made ruling system of church they will stop you dead in your tracks. Holy Spirit freedom isn't allowed in our present structures as we leave little or no room for Him.

Can you email me L & S Evans address.

Does this answer your question and address your comments.


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