Thursday, February 07, 2008

Pagan Christianity --UGHHH! or ????

A Disciple Driven Church movement, that of which we are seeing God birth across America -- Is NOT a house Church. But we can meet in homes and do.

Disciple Driven Church is a movement of disciple making life transformation. It is a work of the Holy Spirit. It is Holy Spirit empowered disciples totally committed to making disciples who in turn also make disciples. It is total reliance on God. While men and woman participate it is a total God work and not something we humans can pull off without the Holy Spirit.

"Pagan Christianity" by Viola and Barna is a seriously flawed work. After reading through it, what FLAWS do you see?

There must be more to living for Jesus than this? Isn't there more?

What are your observations of this work. You know me, when I have serious concerns I must speak out. But, in this case I must wait until you have the chance to weigh in.

Let's think our way through this. While I agree with Viola on some points, I must disagree with some major flaws that are fatal for the Church -the Body of Christ.

Let's get on top of this together.


At February 12, 2008 1:57 PM, Blogger Michael Ehret said...


Haven't read it -- and likely won't have time for a while. But I'd love to hear your thoughts. I am currently ready to start "unChristian," which I'm looking forward to with some trepidation.

At June 18, 2014 11:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi all,
I have finished the book and I think the main focus and entire point the writers are trying to make here is that the corporate church of today is not from the Bible, but from Greek pagan practices that followed them into the church when they became saved. I saw nothing that would lead me to believe anything else than that simple point. The church body is to be interactive in gathering. No pastor, but many shepherds, teachers, evangelists, etc. I think maybe our main fear is to really let the Holy Spirit lead the church, and look to one man to lead and teach us.

One example of pagan influence is the concept of hell, (not mentioned in this book) derived from pagan beliefs. We have used the word hell in place of sheol (the grave), gehenna (a valley outside of the main city, later known as a place of shame) hades (the abode of the dead) and tartarus (the greek place where so-called "gods" and others were sent or kept.) This began to creep into christianity when the catholic "church" required that the scriptures were only to be in Latin, and Jerome (also having practiced some pagan beliefs) was commissioned to translate the Bible into latin and no others language was acceptable. The Bible clearly says that Jesus set the captive free (held captivity captive). It also says that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. I realize I may be off topic here, but we can't be in a place that does not exist, I don't think we know as much as we think (speaking of the general population) when it comes to the things of GOD. But as my brother in law said to me more than once, "The God of all things will do what is right.
We are told by Christ Himself to seek God with all our heart, mind, soul, strength, and love our neighbor as ourself, (there is the outreach part) and the rest will take care of itself, but we have to totally trust HIM and not man to get everything in order according to HIS plan, not ours.
Love in Christ,
Jim T


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