Monday, September 08, 2008


In America and in other places we are taught that it is only our responsibility to proclaim the Truth and what people do with that Truth is their business. We only are obligated to preach the Truth and nothing more.

I'm willing to hinge the state of the American as a direct result of our believing this lie. This is why we can preach hundreds of sermons, lead thousands of Bible studies and have discipling conversations with the multitudes and still not be changed or have a changed church.

If you lead someone to Christ or if you are a parent or a leader you have spiritual authority over those entrusted in your care. It's a God given spiritual authority. When I pastored I actually had spiritual authority over those in my congregation. It was a God given authority to insist/demand that the Truth I proclaimed MUST BE LIVED OUT in everyone I was in authority over.

Satan's lie that all we have to do is proclaim the Truth is a distortion straight out of hell. We are to insist that the Truth be followed and if not - we have the right/obligation to discipline those who reject the Truth.

Proclaiming the Truth is the first step in leading believers into freedom in Christ. Accountability to that Truth is another step. Repentance with regard to that Truth is another step. Truth plus Accountability equals Repentance which results in Transformation.

I'm sick and tired of people pleasing sermons that demand no change as long as they will just hear it. Doesn't that bother you?


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