Thursday, September 04, 2008

Thots from an old post

The disciple making (exponential) movements of God begin with the Holy Spirit's power who always takes us back to the redemption of the lost through the person and work of Jesus. We are so afraid of the Holy Spirit. Really, you will never fully understand the depth of the redemptive work of Christ without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit in fullness of Holy Spirit baptism. It is the Holy Spirit who takes us back to Jesus, our first love. Many so called missional movements start at the wrong place and never reach the right place - The Holy Spirit.


At September 04, 2008 2:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We ask when people gave their life to Christ, but no one ever asked me if I was baptized in the Holy Spirit. (well I guess 2 did and I thought I was, until I really was baptized with fire. I guess no one ever told me, except Richard, that there was a mark. Without that knowledge, there is really no accountability) Now that I am, I want to know when people were baptized, how, and what the mark was because God is so glorious, but I often feel the social pressure not to ask. I might offend someone (maybe I just don't feel comfortable establishing the accountabilty. That is not good..hmm rambling.. thinking)... Is it suppose to feel like a private thing, when it is the power to make Chirst known to the word? I really want to know about this experience in people's lives because it is such a glorious work. Do you ever feel the same?

At September 05, 2008 10:15 AM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

I will never understand why people resist the thing the Holy Spirit wants to give freely and powerfully.

At September 08, 2008 1:40 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

And it is for the purpose of Declaring God's Glory that God is God and He alone is God. Even the demons shutter when believers manifest God's glory.


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