Friday, November 21, 2008

Random thoughts by Bill Hull

Random thoughts on Evangelical Seminaries:

1. Seminaries do not provide students with a scriptural based philosophy of the Church on which to build a ministry.

2. The student will learn what Church is - but not what the Church does."

3. They do not teach pastors to lead Churches to make disciples who make disciples without polarizing the congregation.

4. Pastors are ill equipped to lead existing church into becoming disciple making churches.

The Planter's random thoughts on the thoughts above. Yes Bob has to comment! You must not be surprised here.

1. We need to see the Church as Jesus does... I like to look to China or Africa for a glimpse into what Jesus sees and desires for His Church worldwide.

2. I'm not convinced the students are ever given a correct understanding of who the Church is and if they did understood that - the doing part would become a natural outflow in our lives. We are taught how to become a great American Church with all the bells and whistles. But, we are powerless and our members are not truly "the captives who are set free".

3. You cannot lead existing Churches into total obedience and personal ownership of the Great Commission (with results and accountability) without polarization. We have called our members into something else when they joined our Churches. For the most part they didn't sign on for personal disciple making and total consecration to God with full freedom in Christ. Because of this, I am unemployable in the modern American Church arena. I insist on total consecration that leads to full freedom in Christ and personal ownership of the Great Commission. (Don't get me wrong, I am not looking for another modern American Church to pastor.)

4. If Pastors were equipped to lead modern American Churches in becoming disciple making Churches where the Great Commission is the main thing with Holy Spirit power to lead people into consecrated freedom in Christ - they can't! The membership demands on them, the maintenance of programs, the demands to attract more and more people along with the business demands on them to lead the organization leaves them overwhelmed with no time left to do the main thing.

Finally, I'm looking for leaders (young and old) who long to see the power of God unleashed and to learn how to lead disciples through a consecration process that leads to "captives being totally set free" who are also leading others into the same victory.


At November 21, 2008 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

During my time in school I found the above to be true. A majority of very well meaning profs just did not have a clue---they get into that ivory academic world and loss touch and contact. I did have a couple teachers who got it---we had a cool ministry opportunity that was student/teacher led in a very poor section of town and we worked along side of the Catholic Worker House folks. The opps are there if you seek them out.

At November 22, 2008 5:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i disagree on all of the points.

be thou careful of making broad, general statements, lest you neglect to see the good.

in my experience working in and alongside many different seminaries, i have seen that there is a lot more good than the bad things you point out.

At November 23, 2008 10:48 AM, Blogger ChadPeterson said...

I'd be curious if you could expand on your thoughts Matthew, because having been to Bible College, it was the most ridiculous thing I've ever been through. All they do is teach pastors how to operate in the institutional structure we see before us today.

We had many classes explaining the theological nature of the Holy Spirit, but was never taught how to actually walk in it.

At November 23, 2008 8:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi all!

I caught this today and decided to put a plug in for the great things going on at IWU! We are different here. Check out this video:

Also, plans are in the works for a new seminary. The first ever Wesley Seminary! And you should see the plans! no Asbury/Denver/Princeton ivory tower here. This stuff is going to change the pastorate, and in turn, the world!

At November 28, 2008 9:55 PM, Blogger Eric Wilson said...

Matthew you said you disagreed and then said there are good things other than those bad points. You agreed they were bad and disagreed they were in the exact same breath.

At December 04, 2008 1:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No matter what you do, the vast majority of people will end up in Hell. And you can do nothing about the dead already in Hell.

At December 05, 2008 7:02 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

David is correct but also remember the people we reach for Jesus are reached, right?

The road is narrow to heaven and wide for hell. Why?


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