Sunday, November 26, 2006

Our New Reformation in America

Reggie McNeal in "The Present Future" writes about something I have believed for some time. It has to do with the landscape of the church in America. If we are to become Missionaries in America we will be met with resistance and the old and the new cannot coexist together. The American Church is at a crossroads and the direction we turn will resut in outcomes with huge implications.

Reggie writes, "This new reformation, turning members into missionaries, will precipitate a crisis, both in individuals and in a congregation. Member values class with missionary values. Member values are all about real estate, church programming, who's in and who's out, member services, member issues (translated: am I getting what I want out of this church?). Missionary values are about the street, people's needs, breaking down barriers, community issues (translated: am I partnering with God's work in people?). One of these sets will triumph over the other. They do not coexist peacefully. Anyone who has tired to lead a church through this transition from club to missionary congregation can tell you this." He goes on to explain why and you will have to buy and read the book to see the answer.

Reggie offers some really good help for a church who wants to transition towards Missionary and out of the Club mentality for ministry. Although at times I find myself wanting Reggie to take stuff further outside the box, I am pleased with the direction he has led us here. I predict Reggie will write another book that will sequel "The Present Future" with an even larger leap outside of the "Club" Church mentality. I long for Reggie (later in the future/present) to put more emphasis on being Holy Spirit driven than trying to fit Missionary inside a structure that will often and even likely to revert back to original DNA dysfunctions over time. Maybe not!

So I conclude that in order to become Missional Churches and away from Club churches we also need a "structure" overhaul as well as a Missionary reformation. Let's take the Club Church and new Missionary Church far from what we already have. And the answer is "NO" I do not know what that looks like. But, I do trust God to show me.


At November 29, 2006 2:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A sword is only made strong and sharp when it has gone thru the fire, the hammering, the cool water, and one thousand times again.

"Be not surprised at the firey ordeal."

A true Christian doesn't get bitter - only better. Learn to love the fire and you will see over comers the world has waited to see.


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