Wednesday, November 29, 2006

What a Whopper....

I'm finally heading home from my final 2006 Oregon/Washington coaching time with Pastors and church leaders regarding Healthy Disciple-making. It was a great time.

Last night I was a bad boy. My wife never lets me have fast food burgers, but after no lunch or supper (and no wife nearby) I gave in and stopped at a local Burger King! It's been a while since I've been in a Burger King. I never realized how many different Whoppers you can get. I ordered the double Texas Whopper with cheese and fries. Please don't breathe a word of this to Michelle. Please? It was a something wonderful - the bag was even heavy and it was truly the best burger I have indulged for a very long time.

There was something that caught my attention more than my cravings for a burger. Don't get me wrong I actually enjoyed getting away with something. What caught my eye will follow.

Posted all over the "tempting, calorie killing, fat loading, sweet smelling" restaurant was something that so describes something I've experience before. I asked for a piece of paper and the cashier watched as I stood and jotted down these words.

No onions. Extra pickles. Go for it. Tons of ice. No ice. Do your thing. One napkin or two. Whatever you need. No wrongs. Just rights. The right to have things just how you like them." I immediately thought - "Another teachable moment."

I listened to an interview yesterday on with Jay Kelly interviewing Rob Bell. (check it out in the free ipod section) Rob Bell said this, "The church is supposed to give herself away. It is never about having our needs met."

Why would Rob Bell say that? Does he really think that is a problem in the church? Did I hear him correctly. You know what I think and what I have thought for a very long time. Consumerism in church - Jesus would empty the church and turn over tables and kick butts out of the church if he present in the flesh and many pastors would be the first butt to go out the door.

You know church has become a buffet of options and when people don't like what's on the buffet or even the service there is always another Burger King church.

How in the world have we ever "whoppered" ourselves into thinking that just because we look good, smell good, taste good, feel good, serve people good - that we are good for people and the mission of God for the church? The church in America and most likely your church in your city is more like Burger King than the Church Jesus died for. Can't you see it?

Another nugget: Rob Bell also said, "It's amazing how quickly we label someone "heretic/heresy" when we have a healthy debate in and about the church." God help us.

The church isn't getting better.

Have a Whopper of a Day!


At November 29, 2006 2:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Church is supposed to be a hospital for sinners...

Not a museum for saints.

At November 29, 2006 5:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just like that Whopper isn't good for you ... ???

Are you trying to sneak in another message?

But one won't kill you, right...?


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