Here's another one
Do you really think the American Church is in trouble?
How is she in trouble? What do you think? Is she or isn't she? How isn't she or how is she?
Maybe this is the starting point to bring us all together in order to see it or back off.
In trouble? No! "the gates of Hades will not overcome it."
Often forsaking its first love? Often in need of repentance? Often too much like the world? Often asleep to what the Holy Spirit is doing? Often lukewarm? Yes!
Curt, Is "Americanized" Christianity in trouble?
Now I'm gonna get confused since you're changing terms on me. Americanized "Christianity?" Oh yeah, that's in trouble. I think it would be hard to say that Americanized Christianity hasn't bought into the Kingdom of Comfort...and once that happens...there's only one way to's pretty much a picture of what we see in 2 Chronincles least from my perspective. Americanized "Church?" (capital C)...which the original post read...I believe has still become very ineffective...but not what I would classify as being in "trouble" because of the promise in Matthew 16:18. I can't help but picture Jesus as a disappointed groom as he looks at his bride in the American context...yet as a faithful husband...I have to believe He's still madly in love with her. May His kindness continue to lead the American Church to a place of repentance!
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