Why do we....?
Why do we obey the Scriptures up to the point of the Great Commission and then stop?
We are commanded to personally engage the Great Commission and yet many argue the point. Let me ask, why do we argue with making disciples personally when that is the reason Jesus came to live, die and rise from the dead?
The answer to my first question is one that can be answered with one word --that word is "disobedience" to all Jesus commands of us.
Not knowing how to do it is not an excuse. We can show you how!
Sittin in a pew is nothing compared to making disciples who make disciples who...
We will stand before God someday, and for those of you who read here, you are now held accountable to obey the ALL and that all is summarized in Matthew 28.
I'm happy for you and as you obey the all to make disciples who make disciples who...and as you go, the joy of the Lord will never be greater and the Glory of the Lord will never shine brighter. Souls in heaven as God works through you -- is one blessing beyond the description of human words.
You are blessed! Engage the mission and watch God work through you.
The "great commission" was given to particular people - the disciples living at the time.
Do you read a stranger's private mail and think that it was written to you?
I'm just curious... what other commands & teachings do we not apply to ourselves because Jesus was speaking to someone else?
Even if we throw the great commission out... what do we see Jesus doing? He was making disciples, that would make disciples, that would build His Church, that would bring Glory to God. It seems to me that he had a specific plan at redeeming the world, and he has asked us to be a part of that plan.
Shouldn't we follow Jesus in this today?
And if not... then what are we to do? Help me see what I'm missing here.
Oh David, the words of Jesus and His life was to be passed on to all people.
The Great Commission was given to the Apostles (following the resurrection of Jesus as living king of kings and Lord of Lords, will all authority as God, with supreme importance. Why would Jesus wait around to meet with the Apostles if this was not a supreme command. I do believe Jesus meant this for all and the Great Commission is also the command for us to obey all that Jesus taught us.
David, if you fudge on this point, you do not really hold the Bible as inspired by God.
I only read the mail of those who give it to be read by me. Jesus opened His mail for all to read.
David, this is a very weak argument and to take your position is to take no position at all.
Thanks Casey!
I love the way you are expressing and thinking.
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