As you can see...
While I give myself my vacomyacin I.V. therapy I am trying to get back into the work scene. I'll be hooked up for the next 75+ minutes. I do this thing twice a day for my second month of elbow infections. This time a staff infection and a repeat surgery on my arm first on the third of August then a return on the 1st of September. But today, I feel so much better thanks to all of your prayers.
But is not about me. There is great suffering in the world.
My missionary friends are struggling to raise support and have friendship partners so they can return to their country of calling. Young 15 year old Caleb wrote this email to me just days ago...
"Ya know, you guys are not the only ones that are going through a valley at this time. This week has been a very hard week for all of us. We have felt rejected, and that no one cares about us. Thank you for writing, it tells me that there are those that do care. If you could also pray that the Lord would send some people our way to lift us up spiritually and mentally, that would be great! Thank you guys for always caring and being there for us in our hard times."
My heart sank. Do any of you want to share encouragement to Caleb and his family? You can post right here. If any of you want to give share support at $20.00 per share per month just email me at and I will get you in touch with Caleb and His family. We keep missionary families confidential on the web due to recent missionary assassinations in the missionary church.