In your mind...
In your mind was Constantine a Hero or a Zero for the cause and spread of Christianity?
In your mind was Constantine a Hero or a Zero for the cause and spread of Christianity?
In defense of America I must say that a Hurricane is not God's wrath on America.
At risk of being to personal and vulnerable, I write. A few years ago Michelle and I sold out, packed up and moved to St. Louis to be involved in something only God could do. We knew the risk! But in search of something more we stepped outside of our comfort zones.
Rick Warren does it BIG. According to Fox news, they have Rick Warren interviewing Obama and McCain and it airs Saturday night of Labor Day weekend (Tomorrow).
When I think about America I realize that the sending nation has now become the one who needs the sending. We need Missionaries to begin lifesaving stations across America's landscape. Don't you agree? We need missionaries to America.
With some time to reflect I have come to believe that denominational churches will become less and less in the future. With a prophetic gifting I see some changes over the next hill and just beyond the horizon. Here are just a few random thoughts:
Michelle and I attended her great aunt's funeral visitation this evening. I saw many old friends from various denominational backgrounds. It was interesting and I was very careful not to stir people up too badly. I now know I have a gift for stirring people up.
My friend Mike used a phrase in one of his comments..."We leave it to the professionals.."
the planter writes: THIS IS AN ADD I PICKED UP IN MY INBOX:
Tell me, someone please tell me. If our children and youth programs are so wonderful why have we and are we losing the younger generations here in America? There is a real disconnection following the youth group (upon graduation) from the church. We are failing to produce what we claim.
Can you imagine a Church who has 700 people who refuse to release 15 -20 people to launch a disciples making disciples move of God? Imagine a church that is more concerned about controlling the people than releasing them.
Just two, not really. But two issues are facing us.
The very forms of the American Church that are now hindering us are the same forms we exported around the world. We have inadvertently exported our problems to others.
We're in trouble, the American Church is in trouble. But we defend her anyway, even at the expense of a new God ordained - God breathed ministry.
Dwight Smith 1998 writes, The most important question being asked by the people of the West today is, “Why the church?” Many in leadership presume to know the answer. Courses in just about every training school purport to cover the topic. Local church pastors preach sermons on the subject. Concerned para-church organizations distribute glossy adverts, coupled with expensive materials, packaged in multi-day seminars, guaranteeing, latently at least, that they have the answer. Megachurch leaders organize show and tell weekends for the lost and hungry from all over the world to come to their patch and see the answer.
It seems to me that the issue facing the modern American Church is one of organization versus organism. I have come to conclude the organization to be an enemy of the organism. When we are more concerned with how to control it or contain it we have chosen sides with organization.
"When those outside of Christ will not come to our church services no matter how professional they might be, when they will not come to our special out reach events, when they will not come for Sunday school for their kids, or movie night or whatever other crazy fanagled way we dream up to get people into our church, then we must somehow rethink the orientation of just about everything we do in church. This would include worship, community and fellowship, discipleship, preaching (part of worship), children's ministries, leadership, evangelism, justice and of course church-planting."
To be able to see the Ephesians 4 Leadership gifts of Apostle, Prophet, Pastor, Teacher, Evangelist all engaging and working in the Body of Christ and outside of the Body of Christ is awesome.
It's time for an honest lo down here.
As much as I have tried the principles of making disciples who must ALL make disciples will never be realized in the American Church present form. Many attempts across denominational lines to birth a disciple making movement in present structures have failed. These disciple making disciples movements do not and cannot coexist in systems of control such as is evident in the established American Church and or denominations. This move of God must be released from the present American Church or she will release herself. Here I am saying, she has not been released with the blessing of the church - so she must be released to do it without them.
I've been out of the local church pastorate since March, 2005. This has been a journey of strong evaluation and reevaluation of my life, ministry and purpose. Through much pain God has done and is doing deepened and refining work in my heart. The only thing that matters now is that I live out the truth that the things that matter to Jesus must be the only things that matter to me.
There is a huge hunger for holiness among our younger generations. You'll find them in their 30's, 20's and teens. They want a cause worth living and dying for. They deeply love Jesus but despise the institution called the church. They love the Body of Christ but they see through much inconsistency, hypocrisy and shallow commitments often evident in the church organization. They love Jesus but despise the church in her institutional forms. They refuse to play church and refuse to settle for anything less than what Jesus would settle for.
As I mentioned numerous times in this blog - we do not own the people who attend our Church. God owns us and everything we have, we don't own anything. We are bond servants or "slaves to Jesus". The members of my past churches were NOT my people. They never belonged to me.
After being out of the local pastorate for about three years now I have new perspectives on ministry. While I gather with the church, the gathering is not my main priority. I do no ministries in the church anymore. I don't preach, or teach, or watch children or lead programs or you name it anymore. I spend all my time in the world living life with people I encounter. It is themost freeing and exciting way to do ministry.
There is a growing number of people who have exited the church to preserve their faith.
Shane Claiborne writes: “Being a Christian is about choosing Jesus and deciding to do something incredibly daring with your life.”
My fellow-blogger, Hamo, comments on this:
My major gripe is that we are often more interested as Christ followers in spending time with other Christ followers when we ought to be spending time with those who do not know Jesus.
From plowing out driveways with our snow blower in winter, to our house fire in the spring (a year ago)to helping children with fishing this summer we are positioned to reach our neighbors for Christ. God has given us good favor with our neighbors.
Since we have the community pond behind our home we do have some action every now and again. Yesterday, our Mulherin neighbors had a going back to school hot dog roast for the kids in our neighborhood. Of course we always opt for the free meal and time with our friends. I became the helper of the fisher kids. I baited and fixed and untangled more than my share of lines. What a blessing to see our neighbor children enjoy God's blessings of nature while catching fish. It was huge. C.J. touched a fish for the first time in his life.
Over 12 years ago Michelle and I went to Haiti to make school desks for our Haitian schools. Amazing! We built around 120 desks. Our team leader Ken Thompson was the real hero. Well, Carol did save us by bringing real food to keep us alive.
How is it possible for there to be a clash between what Jesus did and what the Church in America is doing.
Rediscovering Church: Giving To Jesus Not Man