Our every other week gathering of the True Vine family (we meet weekly in homes and other venues) was held last Saturday at Quiver River State Park, the same place that God gave birth to the True Vine family. It was awesome.
Two disciples, the two that took us to the fourth generation were baptized by those two dear people (Steve and Judy) who discipled them. Imagine the joy of Tim and Kate and their disciplers Steve and Judy baptized them.
Around 50 people gathered for the gathering. I call it a gathering because we gather to go into the world as we are the Church into the world everyday in the lives of those God brings to us. We don't go to church to gather because we are the Church in the world. We do not "go to gather" "we gather to go" into the world. AWESOME HUH?
Aside from being blessed to see discipleship work the way Jesus calls all of us to, I was struck by what God did in Brian's life. Brian came to us with His dear family through a God ordained path. Had not God connected us, they would not be with us. An incredible miracle in and of itself. Brian came to True Vine with his wife and children as God connected us together.
Brian was held at bay by Satan. His voice was tied up with fear so much so that in a group of three or four he would remain silent with sweating, fear, and trembling. But something happened, he was healed. I mean it when I say Brian was healed. Before he could not speak even in a small group of two, just months ago, he froze, he fled, he was defeated. But God healed him, a story I cannot begin to tell in this post. But a story worth telling. Brian and Lori are God appointed servants and God has something great for them.
Brian was healed and at this baptism he shared the gospel (for about 20 minutes) without fear in a way all could understand, it was anointed. He spoke as one who has done it for years. I know few pastors who could have done what He did last Saturday. A miracle!
In this disciples making disciples movement here in St. Louis miracles are commonplace. We see them and we recognize them as God at work. What was for me in 24 years as senior pastorate as something rare, I see monthly or weekly and even daily.
The God of Africa and Asia and China is our God and what happens over there is happening here. I wish all could see it for themselves.
This I know! When we make the making of disciples the supreme focus and main thing, we see miracles of transformation every time. May God help us to stay on His mission without the clutter and distractions of the American church. Let's do what Jesus commands of us and the rest will always follow.
I pray you will hunger and thirst for what I describe here.